If you have read my last blog post feel free to continue reading this. If you missed part 1 I’d encourage you to read it first. Otherwise this may or may not make sense..anyways,
After that we had lunch, more spicy noodles, and then a strange turn of events. Our typical Sunday is church and then lunch and then naps or whatever free time, and then at 7 we do Bible quizzes. However, yesterday after lunch we took five of our girls to the swimming pool in town. We had to take a few trips since the truck couldn’t fit us all. At the pool we had a BAPTISM! These girls, Nisa, Ester, Aricha, Chi, Rattana all have decided to make a commitment to Christ and allowed Him into their hearts. Two of these girls, Ester and Aricha are in my English class. I am so incredibly proud of them and blessed to have witnessed this amazing thing.
After the baptism we celebrated by getting to swim for an hour or so. We had a blast and was such a nice change of pace and I loved helping teach Ester to swim. Although I really am the least qualified person to teach swimming.
I guess it was two nights ago now, that we had a Bible Study with Pastor Dave, and he had mentioned something that really stuck with me.. he asked us, “what was Job’s one sin”? Now obviously Job was human therefore he didn’t have only one sin, but thinking about it, I couldn’t think of anything specific.. he looked at us and said it was in the very first chapter, first few lines, it says in Job that “ ..Job, was at ease in Uz”. Uz is the name of the place where Job lives. But it says he was at ease.. and I thought how could that be taken as a sin? But through conversation it was interesting how we as Christians become complacent in life. We get used to routine and we go to church and know all the right words, but it can also become crippling and it’s in moments when we become too comfortable that the devil can enter in.
I must admit, in having down time here in Thailand, I too had become complacent. I got used to my schedule and used to the daily routine of everything I had forgotten to notice all the little moments of love that these girls were teaching me. I got used to having hours of time to dive into the Bible. Reading the Bible is not a bad thing, but it’s absolutely useless if I am not putting it into practice or taking to heart the things I am reading. I wish I could sit here and write out all the miracles my team and I are witnessing and tell you how I’m this perfect missionary who is on fire for God and tell you how much I absolutely love every single moment and will never come home. Unfortunately that is not the case. I am not perfect. It is possible to become complacent even in an environment fueled by change. I do miss home. I won’t lie, I even miss riding horses, a luxury God blesses me with, but did not promise. God makes us many promises and never goes back on His word. But I believe we sometimes get confused on what those promises are. God didn’t promise me that I would get to use horses, live close to my family, and invest in an amazing town. No. It’s just a part of life He blessed me with at the time. I cling to that image as if that were the purpose God has created me for was teaching the Bible to foster kids. But that’s not my purpose not His promise. His promise to me is “ life abundantly “. Now I can tweek that and think it means whatever I want but that doesn’t mean it’s what God has. He promises life.. but life abundantly. We don’t know what that looks like and that’s okay. My purpose is to love God and serve others. That’s it. That’s all I’m supposed to do. Love God, serve others. In doing so, I will also be able to have JOY. Joy is an acronym for Jesus, Others, Yourself. Believe in and obey Jesus. Serve others, and myself is last. That doesn’t mean degrade myself and think I have no value. No I am still in there, but Jesus is first priority. I became complacent and therefore am guilty. But by the grace of God, He still allows me to be here in Thailand and witnessing His children get baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It sounds like I’ve already had a full day yesterday, but I am so happy to say that after the baptism, the day was still far from over… stay tuned for part 3 of this amazing, life changing day.
Thank you all for your love and prayers.