I’m playing volleyball with the boys one day, and I tried going barefoot because if you know me, you know I’ll do anything barefoot simply because I don’t like shoes. However, about half way to the court I’m walking thru the grass and the thorns and pokies are just too painful, so I run to get my shoes.. a little while later into the game with my sandals on, I begin to feel a surge of pain and look down at my feet only to see that my poor feet are covered in red ants! Ouch! Not wanting to disappoint the boys, or myself, I powered thru and continued the game though I was being eaten alive and hot and just uncomfortable in general. Not to mention, I’m not very athletic so I looked like an idiot more often than not.
How often is it that we find ourselves standing on an ant hill?
Now I don’t mean this literally as it was in my case.. But how often do we find ourselves uncomfortable in a situation and focus on wanting to quit rather than to press on? If I’m being honest it’s only been about a week that I’ve been here in Cambodia and I’m already being stretched in ways I never thought possible. I’m not going to lie. There are moments I miss my sister, my puppy and those mundane walks to the barn to feed each morning. But every time I think on these things, I simply look up and see the same Son(sun- pun intended)I saw back in Meeker, and remember God placed me here for a reason. At training camp, one of the leaders mentioned a part in a song that says “You split the sea so I could walk right thru it. My fears were drowned in perfect love.” She said, yes God split the sea, but He gave us the choice to walk thru it. He didn’t carry us, but rather walked beside us. What a beautiful picture of His love. He doesn’t force us, but rather He guides. Whether I’m in Cambodia, Thailand, Meeker or even Georgia, He is there walking with me. I have nothing to fear because His love for me is far greater than evil in this world.
So, when you’re caught standing on an ant hill while playing volleyball with orphans, rather than looking down to kill the ants, look up and continue to play. Invest your time into what’s truly important.
Thank you all for your prayers and support!
With all the love in the world, Brooke

Wow-this is amazing. God is so kind to teach you about His love casting out fear. Love what your leader said in Georgia-it’s about choosing. I will pray that you continue to choose Him despite your feelings and that in those difficult moments you extend grace and kindness to yourself in the process. He sure is!
Love you sweet lady!
Awesome thoughts!!! I hope your journaling because these experiences are definitely worth sharing … your going to have many opportunities to make a difference in the lives of a great number of folks! I know without a doubt the Lord is going to use you mightily… your in school my darling girl and excelling!! Love you so much!!!????????????